Carla Moreau and Kevin Guedj separated: “This situation is difficult to live with”, they explain themselves

A message to which Kevin Guedj replied in the space reserved for comments. “T the blood anyway“, he wrote, enough to confuse some fans of the influencer. “It’s not a lack of respect, when things are going well. She’s my daughter’s mother, I don’t want to disrespect her. So your allusions you can f *** in the ass (That’s a lack of respect)“, he explained in his story, responding to a user who had risen to his comment.

Ruby is my strength

As a reminder, this decision comes just a few days after the confidences of Belle Longwell, former participant of The Battle of the Clans within the JLC Family, which had revealed, in detail, his physical rapprochement with the Marseillais. If this is not the first time that the couple is associated with a history of deception, this one seems to have definitively broken the confidence which had settled between them, since their marriage last January and before that, the birth of their daughter Ruby, in October 2019.

“I never imagined a few months after my wedding having to make this decision. I necessarily imagined my life with a completely different future than the one I am about to live, but I am confident Ruby is my strength and I would do anything to her happiness, bring her the best future and preserve her at all costs”she added in her message.

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