Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: This project which has nothing to do with the music in which she is involved!

We knew Carla Bruni was attached to the south of France, to Mediterranean culture and to Provence… But would we have imagined her as a wine creator to the song of the cicadas, or in the process of restoring a castle dating back to of the Middle Ages? Not really ! However, the singer likes to surprise, think outside the box and get involved in projects that seem important to her. And this is the case of Château d’Estoublon, in which she is fully involved.

An estate located in the heart of Provence, on the lands of Alphonse Daudet and whose history is charged: at the height of its grandeur in the Middle Ages, it was looted, completely destroyed and then rebuilt in the 17th century. It will then be abandoned again and despite a series that takes place there in the 70s, falls completely into ruins.

But it was without counting on the stubbornness of several enthusiasts of the region, including the Sarkozy couple, who made it their mission to put it back on its feet. It must be said that the place means a lot to the former first lady: “My husband and I fell in love with Estoublon three years ago“, she told Paris Match. “The place is very inspiring. It concentrates all the magic of the earth and the light of the region, one of the most beautiful in the world. I spent many nights writing at the castle. I don’t have a special corner for me because everything is cozy.”

An Eden in Provence

And the mission is successful: the estate has once again become a real little paradise. Producer of olive oils for the greatest tables in France, he is also a major wine producer. Two areas in which Carla Bruni is involved. “I also like going to observe the work in the field, where the know-how of the team combines tradition and modernity.“, she tells the magazine. And she even composed … a rosé wine, which will be sold from this summer!

We have worked together since the 2020 vintage“, completes Anaïs Maillet, the oenologist and director of operations of the estate. “The objective was to obtain an assembly that resembles us. Carla and I like elegant, subtle and fresh wines“. There is no doubt that connoisseurs will flock to the bottles as soon as they hit the market.

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