Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: Her tender words for her brother Virginio, who died of AIDS

Gorgeous“,”Very beautiful song for a sailor’s blood“,”Oh but, it’s for your brother. Infinite sadness, sweet thoughts“,”So much Love in your words … Full of Love Carla“,”Really a Beautiful tribute to your blood brother from the top he listens to this Beautiful song! Waiting to find you one day Carla“can we read in the comments.

Interviewed on November 25, 2017 by Catherine Ceylac in the show Tea or coffee on France 2, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy had said more about the death of her brother. “There is a before and an after death “ she confided before explaining: “I worked in the world of fashion, where AIDS was an absolute death. I found a lot of friends to share this difficulty with. “Marked for life by this tragic death, the ex-companion of Raphaël Enthoven very often thinks of his missing brother Virginio.

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