Carla Bruni reveals herself without any artifice, she is sublime!

Carla Bruni has posted two short videos on which we see her at the restaurant. The artist chained smiles, hair in the wind, the blue of his shirt bringing out that of his eyes. A striking beauty that she owes to nothing other than Mother Nature and her impeccable lifestyle: “For the skin, I don’t take the sun. My secret is gymnastics, no smoking, no drinking, and no excess“ she confided in 2017 to Io Donna. Far from professional obligations, Carla Bruni therefore abandons the artifices, futile and rare during her vacation and her subscribers return it to her rather well.

In the comments, many were those to compliment the interpreter of Someone told me : “Too pretty”, “Beautiful for a day”, “The most beautiful of all”, “Mamma Mia, what splendor!”, “Classy”, “Beautiful naturally” can we read in the reactions to his post. If, however, Carla Bruni’s self-esteem was at half mast in this summer period due to a few small wrinkles, that should reverse the trend. It does not make a crease!

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