Carla Bruni: Her funny secrets about her husband Nicolas Sarkozy… and wine!

For almost fifteen years, Carla Bruni and the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy spin the perfect love. Married on February 2, 2008, the two lovebirds gave birth to a daughter, Giulia, born on October 19, 2011. Since then, Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy have become the happy owners of a wine estate, the Château d’Estoublon, located in Fontvieille in the Bouches-du-Rhône. With two partners, they produce wine and olive oil there. Their olive oil has been awarded the prize for the best oil in the world in several international cities.

This hidden passion, Carla Bruni revealed it in an interview published this Thursday, July 7 in the columns of the magazine Gala which she is on the cover. “It was my husband and our two associates who wanted to embark on this adventure. It’s exciting but also a little disturbing since it touches on a field and a know-how that I don’t know at all. But we are well organized”, said the 54-year-old singer. The former presidential couple has teamed up with oenologist Anaïs Maillet, who “make the wine and we (Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy) assist him, mainly on the creative part. Regarding the assembly, we of course have our say but it remains relative”completed Carla Bruni in the same interview.

The taste of wine disgusts Nicolas Sarkozy

In this interview at Gala, Carla Bruni has made an astonishing revelation about her husband. Indeed, the 67-year-old former head of state never drink alcohol. Do you see that! Which seems paradoxical because of Nicolas Sarkozy’s interest in wine. “He smelled it, tasted it and spat it outsaid his wife, referring to one of their wine tastings. He likes the smell of wine only, he doesn’t like the taste and I think he doesn’t like letting go either. Maybe that’s a good thing. My husband is so vibrant. If he had tasted drunkenness, I don’t know where we would be”, she concluded with a smile. Not sure that Nicolas Sarkozy would accept a glass of beer or whisky!

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