Carla Bruni furious after the intimate confidences of her ex Louis Bertignac

hard to imagine Carla Bruni without Nicolas Sarkozy and yet another very famous man shared his life in the past. This is Louis Bertignac. A few days ago, the former member of the Telephone group released his autobiography and he devoted no less than … nine pages to it!

On the occasion of the release of Nice little story, Louis Bertignac made revelations about their story which ended because of one of his infidelities.The first year, I didn’t think of her as a fiancée, more like a little groupie. I was not comfortable in his environment, maybe I had a priori on the rich. And then she was very young, I saw myself falling back into childhood, I didn’t like it” he confided in the columns of Tele-Leisure.

A subject that he notably mentioned in his book in the following excerpt: “Carla grew up in a universe of billionaires surrounded by domestic workers and without being aware of the cost of things (…) She had problems as a little rich girl (…) If she had the slightest pimple on her cheek , she was hiding in the bedroom”.

Despite their breakup, the two artists continued to work together for the first album of the beautiful brunette. “When I made his record, twelve years later, water flowed under the bridge. We had met again, she had improved as she got older. She wasn’t a bitch to me. I think she would have liked to fall in love with me because I was a rock guitarist in a famous band, but she didn’t believe it any more than that. Me, I knew that I was not in love with her. Which is even worse. But one thing is certain: she is not an interior woman” he remembered smiling at the microphone of Paris Match.

Only then, when they were in good contact since Carla Bruni is the godmother of her eldest daughter Lola, everything could change. Indeed, the companion of the former President of the Republic did not at all appreciate that he speaks of her. She would have preferred that Louis Bertignac refrain according to our colleagues from Closer. Since then, war has been declared.


See also: Carla Bruni makes intimate revelations

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