Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy: this famous singer they saved from a (huge) heartache

He is quite simply one of the greatest guitarists in the history of French rock. Louis Bertignac, idol of a whole generation thanks to the Telephone group, releases his autobiography this Thursday, Nice little story. An intimate book, in which he looks back on his long history with Carla Bruni: first lovers, for several years when they were very young, then friends and collaborators, the two never let go.

However, whether on one side or the other, there was no lack of trials. But even in the worst times, they were always there for each other, as Louis Bertignac told this Thursday on the show Telematin. Interviewed by Julia Vignali and Maya Lauqué, he spoke of his separation from the mother of his daughters (Lola, 18 and Lili, 15) who had left him completely devastated.

At the time, “really bad about himself” and with “a month old beard“He turns to his friend (who has also read his book in preview!). She introduces him to her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy, who, according to the singer, is “good advice after a breakup“!”In any case, he is warm, he is tolerant“, he says. “He told me ‘Mr Bertignac, we will take good care of you’. They tried even tried to make me play sports“, he remembers, laughing in front of the presenters of France 2.

A stay with the couple which will do him good, since he gets back on his feet and meets shortly after his current wife, Laetitia, mother of his six-year-old son Jack. A woman who is 34 years younger than him and with whom he has long asked many questions. “I thought I was done with fatherhood. I often said no to Laetitia when she talked to me about being a child“, he had indicated last April during an interview for Paris Matchadding: “But I understood that if I continued to be stubborn, she was going to leave.

Today, he still plays music, even without Les Insus, the group he had reformed with his two friends from Telephone (Richard Kolinka and Jean-Louis Aubert). Friends he mentions, of course, in his book, explaining that today they consider themselves brothers, those who met in high school more than 50 years ago.

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