cargo ships loaded with grain will leave Ukrainian ports



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Like every day, the franceinfo evening news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Wednesday 2 November.

On Wednesday, November 2, Turkey announced good news: off Istanbul, Ukrainian cargo ships loaded with grain will be able to resume their journey to Africa. On Saturday, Russia withdrew from the agreement on Ukrainian exports, after an attack against its fleet in the Black Sea. Highly applauded by Turkish MPs, President Recep Erdogan played the role of mediator between the two belligerents. A fragile but vital agreement for global food security.

For its part, Poland wants to better protect itself. It announced the construction of a barrier along its border with a small piece of Russian territory, in Kaliningrad, an enclave between Lithuania and Poland. “This temporary barrier will consist of three rows of barbed wire, 3m high and 2m50 wide”explains Mariusz Blaszczak, the Polish Minister of Defence. This construction will officially serve to prevent illegal crossings of migrants.

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