Caregivers of EHPADs in Issoudun again on strike to demand more resources

An indefinite strike started on April 11 in the EHPAD Bel-Air and Les Reflets d’Argent in Issoudun. Staff are once again mobilized to to denounce the lack of means and personnel.

A denunciation that has lasted for several months. Already in February, around fifty of them had mobilized in front of the two establishments, but since then nothing has changed, according to Jean-Luc Thiais, deputy departmental secretary SUD Santé.

To me, it’s organized abuse

For months, and in particular the Covid crisis, caregivers have the impression of not not have the time or the means to take care of the residents properly. They also denounce a neglect of the old age report in the context of the presidential campaign.

The trade unionist claims that all staff are on strike, but assigned to work. “For months, we have been working in minimum service, so we are all called to work”. They therefore indicate their strike by stickers on their blouses, and by warning the families of the patients.
“It’s symbolic, but we hope to alert the ARS, and especially the department, so that they allocate us more resources”. He also hopes for a mobilization of all the trade unions in the department. “We are not on strike in Issoudun, but it’s the same everywhere.”

source site-38