caregivers called to strike this Tuesday to alert on the situation of the public hospital

The CGT is launching a national strike call on Tuesday to alert the population to the situation of the public hospital. Faced for two years with an unprecedented health crisis, the union takes over from hospital staff who say they are “exhausted”. The CGT requests in particular a salary increase, more means to avoid resignations which multiply, as well as opening beds.

The CGT estimates that a hundred staff is missing at the Chambéry hospital

At the Center hospitalier métropole Savoie, which has 5,300 agents, the union estimates that‘a hundred staff are missing on the various structures of Chambéry and Aix-les-Bains to be able to cope with the 5th wave and more broadly to the care of patients. Fabrice Lodo is secretary of the CGT union at the Chambéry hospital. He is worried that the number of resignations is increasing, a recent phenomenon.

It’s really something that I never thought I would experience as a union representative, as a healthcare professional too. The reality is that agents resign, nurses who, after three years of long studies, take up their posts and after two years resign to do something else, they stop their profession. During the year 20020-2021, we had at least two or three calls per week from agents asking us how to resign. It never happened before“, worries Fabrice Lodo.

Numerous resignations

The secretary of the CGT at the Chambéry hospital believes that for “lFor most caregivers and professionals, it is a loss of meaning in their profession. So they stop, they are going to do something else, they can’t take it anymore. They are at their wit’s end. This is what is serious“. And to point the finger at the very big recruitment difficulties that meets the public hospital: “When you also see the hiring conditions in hospitals, it doesn’t make you want to come and sign at the public hospital either, which is a shame. Even our management is noticing this disenchantment with our professions.

In order to be able to recruit, these positions would have to be made attractive. The CGT therefore calls for a general revaluation of salaries and thawing the index point. “From the Ségur de la Santé, the government announces bonuses but staff who are not caregivers are not entitled to them, and we denounce it.“In its strike appeal leaflet released on Tuesday, the union listed his demands :

  • Train and hire professionals on a massive scale!
  • Open beds, services and establishments!
  • Significantly increase salaries for all!
  • Work less: 32 hours, and early retirement for our arduous jobs, to work better and for jobs for all!
  • A health and social protection system with the means to meet the needs of all, accessible and in the vicinity!

The gathering of hospital staff is planned at 2 p.m. in front of Chambéry hospital.

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