Caregivers from Ussel hospital and users mobilized this Saturday afternoon. At the call of an inter-union, more than a hundred people found themselves in front of the entrance to the Haute-Corrèze establishment. The reason ? The increasingly difficult working conditions, and this while the hospital is displaying a annual deficit between 5 and 6 million eurosor about 10% of its budget.
Guillaume is a medico-psychological assistant at the Ehpad de l’Hôpital, he summarizes the state of mind in the services: “The staff are tired, following 2 years of Covid crisis which has exhausted everyone a bit. Everyone returns to their days off, we are often called back to the detriment of personal life. And, there is no not necessarily the staff at the base which makes it possible to compensate for this lack of staff. general exhaustion. “
The issue of part-timers
A situation that we find in many hospitals at the moment. According to the unions, 20 paramedics are missing in Ussel, caregivers, ASH and nurses. So today, the proposal from the management of cut part-time jobs to save money do not pass according to Thierry Saintrapt, member of the intersyndicale: “The 80% are paid a little more than 80%, so he (note: the director) wants to offer agents to take 75% or 100% to earn the equivalent of 50,000 euros over the year.” “That is to say: everything you have given so far, we give it back to you by taking away your advantages”adds Mireille Vignal, also a member of the inter-union.
Among the agents mobilized this Saturday, there are many who defend this choice of part-time work for “personal convenience”. This 80% is sometimes taken as retirement approaches to slow down, or to take advantage of his family, explains Guillaume, according to whom there will be “a loss of salary, between 150 and 300 euros depending on the case, while it was working well until then”.
– Valerie Mosnier
The hospital is however at a crossroads summarizes the director. Reached by telephone, Yoann Balestrat, explains that the hospital is largely helped by the Regional Health Agency. To continue to be so, you have to make financial efforts and part-time work for personal convenience is one of the levers. What Sandrine, a nurse, who fears, like many others, finds it difficult to understand a departure from professionals who have experience. A hypothesis in which Yoann Balestrat does not believe. He takes the example of the Bort-les-Orgues hospital which, he says, is already applying the measure and has no vacancies.
In the case of Ussel, an alternative proposal must be proposed to each agent concerned, either 50 people (including 18 caregivers) out of a total workforce of 650 employees, all trades combined.
Big investments to come
To make the CH d’Ussel more attractive and therefore keep it open, we must modernize the establishmentexplains its director: “Of course, remuneration counts, but an establishment that no longer invests scares away doctors and nurses. Today, a financial context imposes itself on me and it would be irresponsible on my part to do nothing.”
Arrived last spring, Yoann Balestrat details several projects launched in order to attract doctors, but also patients. There are the purchase of equipment such as a cardiology ultrasound scanner, endoscopes, meal trolleys, self-service renovation. The 45 beds in the follow-up care and rehabilitation service have been changed, a dental chair for the elderly and disabled will be installed as part of the creation of a dental center, the renewal of the scanner is also planned, as extension of emergencies. Substantial investments for the future… estimated at approximately 8 million euros.