Caregivers “at the end of their rope” take to the streets to warn about the state of the health system

Lack of staff, closed beds, cascading resignations … While the fifth wave of Covid-19 affects France, caregivers meet in front of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, Saturday December 4 at 1 p.m., on call many collectives and trade unions. A few months before the presidential election, city doctors, hospital practitioners, interns, nurses or even nursing assistants want to draw the attention of the government and the French to the state of the health system, which they demand a reform in depth.

>> To read also: Infographics. How France has lost nearly 80,000 public hospital beds in twenty years

“This mobilization is global, all sectors are involved”, warns Gaëtan Casanova, president of the National Intersyndicale des internees (Isni), contacted by franceinfo. “This movement comes at a time when professionals are at their wit’s end, add Jérôme Marty, president of UFML, a union of liberal and hospital doctors. We are fed up to be seen as pawns, as the causes of a problem, when we are only the consequences. ”

All hope that this event will alert politicians and public opinion to the situation of the health system. “It is a show of force, to say that health should not be humiliated, on the contrary, it should be respected”, affirms to franceinfo Arnaud Chiche, resuscitator-anesthesiologist and member of the Health in danger collective.

“We are doing this to treat people. The French are in danger. Their health is in danger. We are doing this to educate the French and be received by the government.”

Arnaud Chiche, of the Health in Danger collective

to franceinfo

They also consider that the Ségur’s health measures are insufficient and want fundamental reforms. “We are also calling for a Marshall Plan for city medicine, says Jérôme Marty. This must be integrated into future reforms. When we hear political speeches, it is only a question of the public hospital, whereas we cannot reform it without reforming city medicine. “

Gaëtan Casanova agrees: “The Ségur did not succeed in meeting our expectations. We wanted structural answers, to know how we were going to organize our health system. The Ségur is an exceptional financial effort. But it pains me to see that so much money is spent without solving the underlying problems. “

For Jérôme Marty, the moblization of this Saturday “is just the beginning”. He is already announcing a new call on December 11.

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