More than three years after the start of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Committee for Monitoring and Anticipation of Health Risks underlines that the situation is “more satisfactory in neighboring countries”.
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Always supported “insufficient”. This is the term used by the Health Risk Monitoring and Anticipation Committee (Covars), Wednesday November 8, to alert on the inadequacies around post-Covid syndrome (PCS), commonly called long Covid, which affects “several hundred thousand” of people.
The opinion delivered to the government denounces in particular “a chaotic care journey” and point “a lack of clarity of the offer, great geographical heterogeneity, an often insufficient level of knowledge of health professionals, and a tendency to psychiatrize symptoms, in a general context of medical shortage”.
Better support in neighboring countries
The advisory body suggests a series of measures to remedy this situation, after sending an opinion to the government earlier this week. He suggests, among other things, on the territory “adapted, funded and sustainable sectors, to ensure in particular multidisciplinary, clinical, physical, psychological and social care”, rorder “a spotlight” on long Covid in certain children and adolescents, and“expand the French research effort”.
Long Covid refers to the persistence of lasting after-effects several months after infection with the virus. If “scientific knowledge has progressed a lot”he’s staying “persistent questions regarding the definition of PCS, its mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment”, notes Covars. More than three years after the start of the Covid-19 epidemic, the committee also emphasizes that care is “more satisfactory in neighboring and Anglo-Saxon countries”.