Renewing your registration card will cost more in four regions from January 1. Increases are expected in Hauts-de-France, Center-Val de Loire, Île-de-France and Normandy.
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From 1er January, the price of the registration document will increase in four regions, France Bleu learned from a government source, due to the increase in the regional tax. THE “registration certificate” is in fact subject to the payment of various taxes, including the regional tax. And this regional tax is set by the regional councils, based on the tax horse rate.
There are therefore four regions concerned. In Hauts-de-France, the price of the tax horse increases by 4.93% and goes from €34.5 to €36.2. In Center-Val de Loire, it rises by 49.8% to €55, an increase of 10.44%. Ile-de-France residents will also pay more for their registration card, the tax horse rate increases by 19.07%, and goes from €46.15 to €54.95. And finally, the region which suffers the most significant increase is Normandy, with +31.43%, which now establishes the price of the tax horse at €46, compared to €35 in 2023.
In the other nine metropolitan regions, the cost of the tax horse will not change, indicates France Bleu.
In 2023, the regions where the registration card cost the most were Brittany with €55 per tax horse, then Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur with €51.2, and in third position, Burgundy, the Pays de la Loire and Réunion were tied with a tax horse at €51.
This ranking is partly modified on January 1, 2024, since Brittany remains in the lead with a tax horse at €55. But it now shares this first place with the Centre-Val de Loire region. Île-de-France, for its part, takes second place with €54.95. And in third position, we find the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region with a tax horse which remains at €51.2. There is no change at the bottom of the ranking, Corsica remains the region where renewing your registration card costs the least: the tax horse is €27.