Carbon monoxide suspected after the death of three people in Brittany

In Trégomeur, near Saint Brieuc, in the Côtes d’Armor, an investigation was opened after the discovery of two bodies lifeless this Thursday, December 23. A 52-year-old man and his 77-year-old mother were found dead in their home. According to the Saint-Brieuc prosecutor’s office, the first elements show thatit would be accidental poisoning carbon monoxide.

In Pont-Aven, in Finistère, four people from the same family were also found intoxicated. An 82-year-old woman has died, and the other three victims are hospitalized. The gendarmes of Quimperlé remain cautious. They do not yet confirm the cause of death. Analyzes are in progress.

Check your heaters carefully

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas due to incomplete combustion of a faulty heater. This accident can occur regardless of the type of fuel used. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, firefighters recommend that you check your heating, boiler but also cooking appliances, or even ventilate regularly his home.

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