car companies in France as patrons?


Article written by

S.Lequesne, B.Thomas, C.Vanpée, F.Ducobu, V.Lejeune – France 3

France Televisions

During their presidency of the Council of the European Union, countries may have recourse to sponsors. In 2019, the controversy erupted when Romania established a partnership with Coca-Cola.

More than 200 Renault, Peugeot and Citroën vehicles, lent free of charge, will transport the European delegations for four months. The builders were approached by France, which took over the presidency of the Council of the EU on January 1, 2022. In Brussels (Belgium), NGOs denounce a conflict of interest. “This highlights French companies compared to others. They offer a large number of cars, so they help the French presidency in its organization. They will necessarily have a very good image with political decision-makers”, reports Lora Verheecke, of the Observatory of multinationals.

In 2019, the very visible sponsorship between Coca-Cola and the Romanian presidency of the European Union caused a scandal. Free drinks in the refrigerators, telephone chargers or even bright red armchairs in the colors of the American giant to chat. The French government targeted by NGOs denies any conflict of interest with Renault and Stellantis. The two groups did not wish to answer the questions of the teams of France Télévisions.


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