Car accident | A sixty-year-old loses her life in Longueuil

The coroner’s office has opened an investigation into the death of a driver in Vieux-Longueuil on Sunday.

The sixty-year-old was pronounced dead on Sunday morning at the hospital, after she was rushed to the hospital around 9:15 a.m., explains the Longueuil Agglomeration Police Service (SPAL).

No details of the accident have been made public, given that a coroner’s investigation has been launched to understand the circumstances of the tragedy, explains Ghislain Vallières, spokesperson for the SPAL.

According to the police, no criminal element was noted. The accident did not involve any other vehicle. Additionally, no one else was injured.

Jacques-Cartier Boulevard, in Vieux-Longueuil, was closed to traffic almost all day Sunday between Lincourt and Primevères streets. The boulevard was reopened to traffic around 4:45 p.m.

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