Capucine Anav victim of violence before Victor: her relationship with a narcissistic pervert destroyed her

After almost two years of love, Capucine Anav announces great news. With his companion Victor, she is on her way to marriage! The request was made by the charming blonde in an idyllic setting during a romantic vacation in the Maldives and then announced in a photo on social networks on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2022. If today the star actress of the play theatre The Switch file the perfect love with her handsome companion, she has in the past lived a toxic relationship with an ex. In interview for Paris Matchshe surrenders.

Victor showed me that love could be healthy, happy. Better it should be. For the first time in my life, I manage to project myself with someone. He really saved meshe says tears in the eyes. Before him, I had a very toxic relationship, where I was under control. It clearly destroyed me. There was so much darkness… For me, love rhymed with suffering.“When asked whether she was victim of physical and emotional abuseCapucine Anav answers in the affirmative.

Without however giving the identity of this ex-companion who made her live through hell, the pretty 30-year-old brunette recounts her ordeal. “There was everything and also daily humiliation, humiliation. It’s not something I can easily talk about yet. What I know is that I had to get out of this relationship, I had to get away from it at all costsshe recalls. I’ve been through things that I still can’t understand in hindsight. We ask ourselves questions, we feel guilty. ‘How did I fall into such a trap?’ Corn the scheme of the narcissistic pervert is well put together, run in. We go back there because we think there is love, which is an illusion.

She, who found love in Victor’s arms after leaving Alain-Fabien Delon, explains that she has mourned it today. “And I know I’m ‘cured’ of it because I don’t feel any hard feelings. I don’t blame the person because this unhealthy behavior is a disease. This experience made me miss a lot of beautiful things. But I don’t regret anything“, she concludes. And then, above all, she is now focusing on her life as a future bride – the union being planned for 2023 – and perhaps even as a future mother!

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