Capucine Anav soon to be a mother, a surfer pushes her to the limit with obscene messages!

For several weeks, Capucine Anav has been on a little cloud! To date, the ex-columnist of Cyril Hanouna is pregnant with her first child. Being very close to her followers, the star likes to immortalize all the evolution of her pregnancy on social networks. The opportunity for her to lift the veil on all the preparations before the arrival of the infant.

“The delivery is scheduled for the end of November, the beginning of December”, revealed Capucine Anav in the columns of Paris Match.” It’s a little girl ! I am so happy. Yet I was convinced it was a boy, I felt it. I told myself that it was impossible for the maternal instinct to be wrong. And yet…”. In the process, her union with Victor was postponed… But it’s only a postponement!

“You’re good my slut…”

“Given that a happy event has come in the meantime, it may be that we shift it by a few months, or even a few years”, added the future mother. “I’m waiting to have Lola in my arms… Ah well, I’m telling you, her name will be Lola! I’m such a perfectionist, I’m so eager to enjoy every moment that if I have a baby and I have to plan a wedding, I’m not going to take full advantage of both […]. »

This Monday, October 3, 2022, Capucine Anav fed her Instagram story as usual. Even pregnant, the main interested party continues its partnerships with the biggest brands. By honoring lingerie, the ex-girlfriend of Louis Sarkozy was surprised to receive vulgar messages. Stung to the quick, she also relayed them on the famous platform: “You’re good my slut”, “Even pregnant, I fuck you”. Shocked, Capucine Anav promised in her caption: “If one day I have a son, I promise you that he will be brought up with more class sons. Because the… “. A scathing and well-deserved update!

to see also: Capucine Anav, pregnant with her first child, is having a good time with Jeremy Frerot!

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