Capucine Anav pregnant: revelation about the sex and first name of her future baby

The sex of the baby, meanwhile, is not yet known but should not delay any longer: the young woman answered another question that she will not hesitate to officially reveal it when she’s sure”100%“. Then explaining that childbirth is a stage that scares her, she already knows that she can count on her fiancé, “the man of [s]for life“, Victor, with whom she fell in love at first sight … delayed, as she had confided to the magazine Paris Match in February.

Indeed, their parents are friends and both have known each other since childhood, but it’s a chance meeting who changed their fate. “It was the end of 2019. I had gone shopping in a supermarket downstairs from my house, and I came face to face with him. Obviously, he had changed a lot… It had been twelve years since we last saw each other. While talking, we realized that we lived in the same Parisian building. It was crazy“, she had revealed. But at the time, the young woman was in a relationship and was not yet ready.

A few months later, during confinement, everything changes: “I began at that time to question my sentimental history. One evening, to take my mind off things, I met up with Victor and his brother for an evening of board games. And there, it was obvious, love at first sight”she concluded, recounting “swimming in happiness” with the young man, much less famous than his two exes Alain-Fabien Delon and Louis Sarkozy, who will also get married at the start of the school year.

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