Capucine Anav in a relationship with her wealthy Victor for the money? The actress responds cash to her haters!

If Capucine Anav is very active on social networks, some Internet users do not appreciate the content of the star. Indeed, for the past few days, the 30-year-old actress has been appearing in heavenly places. After having taken advantage of Dubai, the young woman left the United Arab Emirates to join the Maldives in the company of her darling. A romantic trip that she does not hesitate to share with her community. On the program, repeated swims, candlelit dinners and other tanning sessions. In other words, the absolute dream. A well-deserved vacation after stringing together performance dates for the play “Le Switch”.

Very close to his community, Capucine Anav still tries to keep in touch with his fans. On her Instagram account, the pretty brunette also offered them to play the game of questions and answers. Unfortunately, if some questions were friendly, others did not really please the star. ” I have a woman like you who doesn’t know how to enjoy a couple, especially in a dream destination, her phone ends up in direct water. Where’s the respect for your boyfriend? “wrote a hater. A remark that did not fail to react to Victor’s girlfriend. ” Don’t worry about him, I pick up the phone when he picks up his to work remotely. Hence the way to afford a dream vacation even on the other side of the world. It works. “A well-felt answer that aroused strong reactions. A user of the Instagram application immediately jumped at the chance to accuse Capucine Anav of being a profiteer. ” The goose that lays golden eggs “, could we read. Once again, the former reality TV candidate did not let herself go. ” Jealousy is a bad fault, my parents always taught me that “. That is what is said!

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