Capucine Anav engaged to Victor: behind-the-scenes video of the incredible marriage proposal

For nearly two years, Capucine Anav has been making perfect love with Victor, a man she tried to preserve as best she could from mainstream attention. The former candidate of Secret Story (2012) who became an actress, however, has just done official presentations with his community to announce great news: they are getting married!

It was in the Maldives, during a romantic vacation, that the charming insurance broker made his request, equipped with an XXL diamond ring. Difficult then for Capucine Anav to refuse. But the young woman of 30 years was not at the end of her surprises. The couple then flew to Dubai to conclude this trip to the other side of the world. And Victor took the opportunity to propose to her a second time to marry him. It was in the desert that he took Capucine Anav, where a table, roses, a sofa had been set up… nothing was left to chance for them to spend a wonderful evening. When declaring his love to her, Victor had also arranged for fire throwers to perform behind them. Images that Capucine Anav hastened to share over the weekend on her Instagram page. By the way, she thus revealed for the first time the face of her future husband.

I SAY YES. Since the time you asked me, here it is, officially in the flesh my future husband @vctrdm. I open the doors of the after engagement request! Because yes he made me 2 requests“, she captioned.

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