Capucine Anav and her ex-couple with Louis Sarkozy: funny memories of meeting Nicolas…

Soon the wedding… and the baby? Capucine Anav has been on cloud nine since she got married with Victor Dumas, an insurance broker, whom she has been dating for almost two years. The 30-year-old young woman experienced several romantic disappointments before falling on her fiancé, she who went out with Alain-Fabien Delon but also Louis Sarkozy. With the latter, she shared good times.

Asked by Paris MatchCapucine Anav spoke at length about her love life and notably agreed to talk about her ex-companions, she who had in the past been accused of only being interested in “son of“wealthy. From her idyll with Louis Sarkozy, which lasted from 2014 to 2016, she ensures to keep”a very, very good memory“. She adds : “Louis is a simple, balanced person. He’s a gentleman, he’s amazing. I know he is now in a relationship with a fantastic woman, I wish them the best. I think that if we met we would take a lot of pleasure in exchanging. There were also sometimes difficult times, as our relationship was scrutinized and judged.“However, their story had ended because Louis chose to live in the United States while Capucine pursued a career – she became an actress and designer of a clothing brand – in France.

But it’s not just her former boyfriend who left her with pleasant memories since Nicolas Sarkozy, Louis’ father, had a great effect on her! “He was personable, charismatic. On the reviews, he felt that it could hurt me. He had also made a few public statements to defend me, which touched me a lot (…) It gave me incredible strength“, she recalls.

Capucine Anav will also never forget her surprising first meeting with the former President of the Republic…”The very first time I saw him, I had slept with Louis. I did not expect to meet him like this. He opened the door, he was wearing a very classy bathrobe. I was surprised, and I was half hidden under the duvet. Bad luck for me, he walked in a poo left by my dog… But it was the left foot. I said, ‘Ah, that’s good luck!’ It was the first time that we spent the night together and the dog did not know the place yet, she had surely wanted to mark her territory“, she relates.

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