capsizing of a vessel costs the life of a fisherman

At 8:16 a.m., this Saturday, October 8, the Regional Operational Center for Surveillance and Rescue (CROSS) Corsen was alerted to the capsizing of the pleasure boat Realize III, in the sector of the virgin island, reports the maritime prefecture of the Atlantic. Five people ended up in the sea. One of them, in cardio-respiratory arrest, died.

Important means of rescue put in place

Once the alert was received, CROSS Corsen immediately issued MAYDAY RELAY message and sent significant relief resources to the scene. Among them, the SNS 249 launch from the Plouguerneau SNSM station and the Caïman Marine helicopter from the French Navy with, on board, a medical team from the Finistère SAMU.

At 9:00 a.m., the victims were picked up aboard the launch SNS 249. Four were hypothermic. One is in cardio-respiratory arrest.

Shortly before 10 a.m., the hypothermic victims were transported by helicopter from the port of Aber Wrac’h to the Center Hospitalier Universitaire de la Cavale Blanche, in Brest. Despite the efforts of the medical team, the person in cardio-respiratory arrest could unfortunately not be resuscitated and died.

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