Capitol Assault | The commission of inquiry assigns four social networks to testify

(Washington) The parliamentary committee responsible for shedding light on the assault on the Capitol announced Thursday to assign four social networks to testify in their investigation.

Updated yesterday at 9:56 p.m.

Alphabet (parent company of YouTube), Meta (that of Facebook), Reddit and Twitter are targeted by these injunctions to appear.

The commission, whose role is to establish the responsibility of Donald Trump and his entourage for the assault on Congress by his supporters, indicated that these requests were launched after “insufficient responses” from the four groups to previous requests. of cooperation.

Two questions are of particular interest to investigators: how the spread of false information contributed to this attack and what measures – if any – social networks took to prevent their platforms from becoming breeding grounds for radicalization.

“It is disappointing that after months of work, we still do not have the documents and information necessary to answer these fundamental questions,” lamented the chairman of the commission, Democrat Bennie Thompson.

YouTube, Reddit and Meta denied not collaborating with the commission, and claimed to work with it to provide the required information.

“We have a strict policy of prohibiting content that incites violence or undermines trust in elections, on YouTube or through other Google products,” Alphabet, Google’s parent company, said in a response to the AFP.

“We implemented this policy prior to January 6 and continue to do so today,” continues Alphabet.

Twitter declined to respond to AFP’s requests.

Ex-President Trump’s former favorite social network is of interest to the commission because of communications between subscribers “regarding the planning and execution of the assault on the Capitol” that allegedly took place on the platform. The social network, assure the investigators, would have been warned of the risk of violence before January 6.

YouTube is targeted because of the videos that the demonstrators allegedly broadcast live on the platform during the assault.

“We cannot allow our important work to be further delayed,” insisted elected official Bennie Thompson, inviting social networks to cooperate.

There is indeed urgency: the commission wishes at all costs to publish its conclusions before the midterm elections, in November 2022. If the Democrats lose control of the House during the ballot, it risks being dissolved by the Republicans.

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