Capitol assault: Six months in prison required against Steve Bannon, ex-adviser to Donald Trump

A six-month prison sentence was requested on Monday against former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon, who was convicted in July of obstructing the investigation into the Capitol assault.

A judge is due to pronounce the sentence on Friday in Washington against this 68-year-old man, a figure of right-wing populism in the United States.

As the deadline approached, prosecutors pinned down “the distrust, bad faith and contempt” shown by Steve Bannon upon his subpoena by the House of Representatives committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack.

For having maintained this attitude until the end, “he should be sentenced to 6 months in prison – the maximum of the scale of sentences – and a fine of 200,000 dollars”, they add in a document attached to the procedure.

Steve Bannon is considered one of the architects of Donald Trump’s victory in 2016. Even after being ousted from the White House in August 2017, he remained close to the president and spoke with him the day before the attack against the seat of Congress.

To find out the nature of their discussions, the parliamentary commission of inquiry responsible for shedding light on Donald Trump’s role in this coup had summoned Steve Bannon to testify and produce documents.

He refused, citing the right of presidents to keep certain conversations secret, which led to him being charged with “obstructing” the work of Congress.

During his trial in federal court in Washington in July, he produced no witnesses and did not speak. Jurors found him guilty after less than three hours of deliberation.

He is also being prosecuted for fraud by the New York justice as part of an investigation into fundraising to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, one of Donald Trump’s main campaign promises.

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