Capital filles, the association which offers godmothers to young girls in need of guidance

The annual forum of the Capital filles association is held on Thursday, December 16 at the Maison de la Radio et de la Musique. This association was created in 2012 by Orange. Today, it brings together 93 partner companies and institutions. The principle is to offer young girls in their final year or in their first year of higher education to be mentored by an employee of a company. In total, nearly 1,300 pairs are in place today. This follow-up has positive effects, both for the young people and for the godmothers.

The accompanied students are young girls who have great doubts about themselves. They come from working-class neighborhoods or rural areas and do not know the world of higher education, much less that of business. They need a boost and support to put them on the right track.

The support aims to help them discover the sectors of the future, in particular those of digital technology, science and industry, where there is still a shortage of women. These sectors are looking to recruit them. In these companies, which are often large, godmothers therefore devote a few hours per month to their protege. “After four years of sponsorship, I realized that young girls often talk to me about their faults and do not see their qualities., testifies Julie Brunet, godmother and executive at the SNCF. I tell them that we are going to transform their faults into strength “.

The godmother is not a guidance technician. But she is a model of success, which young people can emulate. Sometimes a few words are enough: “Many tell me they think they can’t get by because there are a lot of boys, testifies Julie Brunet. JTell them things are changing and it’s true, the world is changing. “ Julie Brunet emphasizes public speaking, CV writing and, more simply, technical mastery of videoconferencing, now essential in the world of work.

All the godmothers undergo a day of training before taking a young person under their wing. The opportunity to share doubts and fears with other godmothers, who have a very special position in relation to the young girls they help. “We are neither part of their family, nor of their educational circle, nor of their friendly circle, explains Julie Brunet. It allows us to be objective, it makes it easier to take a step back and encourages them to get started. “

The relationship also brings a lot to the godmothers. “As an employee, we have fun. We derive great personal and professional satisfaction from it. It gives us more education and the feeling of feeling useful.” To become a godmother, you have to go to the website, in the “join us” section.

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