Can’t wait for Sunday: Joyce Jonathan radiant in a total pink look against Amir and Alex Lutz

This week in Can’t wait for Sunday, Michel Drucker is surrounded by several highly topical personalities. In the first part, the 79-year-old host will receive Amir for his theater debut. The singer is indeed reinventing himself as an actor in a single-stage, at the Edouard VII theater in Paris from April 26. Title Selected, the play was written by Marc Élya and directed by Steve Suissa. Amir performs there Alfred NakacheFrench swimming champion several times after being deported to Auschwitz in 1944 with his wife and daughter, who never returned.

One of his relatives will also settle on Michel Drucker’s sofa, namely Nazim Khalid. It was he who composed some of his greatest hits, such as I sought the song that allowed him to represent France at Eurovision in 2016. Nazim Khaled and darling of Alma, is also at the origin of the titles Andalusian Where Mama’s eyes by Kendji Girac. Frank Leboeuf will also come to make an appearance on the France 2 program to talk about his latest play funny campaign. The story sticks more than ever to the news since the former footballer plays a deputy there candidate for the 2022 presidential election

In Roll on next Sundaychange of register with Jean Michel Cohen. The nutritionist and columnist released a new book on February 3, What if we changed everything?. In this book, he invites his audience to turn to new sources of well-being and happiness, such as playing sports or taking care of their diet. A real practical guide to being happier.

Joyce Jonathan will come in her own way to give happiness to the public by talking about her fifth album The little pretty things. An opus that she owes in particular to the birth of her daughter. “It corresponds to a slice of life, that of the last three years: the birth of my daughter, my pregnancy and the origin of this experience, the meeting with my companion“, entrusted the artist to Europe 1.

Michel Drucker will also have the honor of receiving on his set the actor Caesarized in 2019 for guy, Alex Lutz. The latter has been showing since April 13 in two films In the shadow of girls and Vortex. In the first, by Etienne Comar, he is an opera singer who sets up a choir in a women’s prison. Dans the second, directed by Gaspard Noé, plays the son of a couple affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

Finally, Michel Boujenah will be on hand to talk about the miserMolière’s famous play revisited by Daniel Benoin and in which he plays at the Théâtre des Variétés (Paris) until May 15, 2022.

Can’t wait for Sunday from 3:10 p.m. on France 2 on April 17, 2022.

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