Canopy by Marcelle Ferron vandalized | The STM claims $147,000 from those responsible

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is claiming $147,000 from the three men who vandalized Marcelle Ferron’s canopy at the Champ-de-Mars metro station in 2019.

Posted at 4:27 p.m.

Alice Girard-Bosse

Alice Girard-Bosse
The Press

In June 2019, the large antique glass canopy made by Marcelle Ferron for the entrance to the Champ-de-Mars metro station was seriously vandalized. Three men destroyed and damaged 11 stained glass windows using rocks lying on the floor of the Place des Montréalaises.

Two of the three men, Kayo Taylor and Rohan Daniel Golding, are charged with mischief but remain unaccounted for. The third man was 17 at the time, so he is not the subject of the charges.

Photo PATRICK SANFAçOn, press archives

The glass roof, dating from 1968, is a gift from the Quebec government. The STM website summarizes the work as follows: “Visible from inside and outside the station, this gigantic, non-figurative glass roof attracts the gaze of travellers. The extreme fluidity of the glass contributes to a game of mobile colors where red, yellow, blue, mauve and green come to life. »

In addition to that of the Champ-de-Mars metro, Marcelle Ferron has created two other well-known windows in the public space, that of the Vendôme metro and another at the Granby courthouse.

With André Duchesne, The Press

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