“Cannons. Eleven declarations of literary love”, under the direction of Virginie Blanchette-Doucet

“To choose a book is to abandon so many others…” It is to this difficult exercise that the writer Virginie Blanchette-Doucet subjected thirteen authors and teachers, inviting them to designate THE classic of Quebec literature which had marked them the most. Francis Ouellette and The hanging house (1990) by Michel Tremblay. Ayavi Lake and Cantouques & co. by Gérald Godin (1991). Marie Célie Agnant and Second-hand happiness (1945) by Gabrielle Roy. Étienne Beaulieu and The two kingdoms (1978) by Pierre Vadeboncoeur. By reflecting on the ways in which a seminal work has influenced their relationship with literature and their vision of the world, the collaborators of Cannons offer a privileged foray into the mysteries, doubts and drivers that surround the creative process. They thus reiterate the relevance of the study of literary classics, and explore the way in which they can enter into dialogue with the current corpus. The collective is above all a touching tribute to the emancipatory and reassuring power of literature, as well as to those who know how to put the right books in the right hands.

Cannons. Eleven literary declarations of love


Under the direction of Virginie Blanchette-Doucet, VLB publisher, Montreal, 2023, 156 pages

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