Cannes: the Romanian film “Three kilometers to the end of the world”, Queer Palm 2024

Three kilometers to the end of the worldalso in the running for the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, received the Queer Palm on Friday evening, an alternative prize awarded each year in Cannes to a feature film addressing LGBTQ+ issues.

This film by Romanian Emanuel Parvu shows the ravages of homophobia in a country where only the beauty of nature relieves the weight of traditions.

Adi, 17, spends the summer in his native village nestled in the Danube Delta. One evening, he is violently attacked in the street. The next day, his world is completely turned upside down, his parents no longer look at him as before and the apparent tranquility of the village begins to crack.

In this drama, “I wanted to embody Romanian society, so we have the church with the priest, the law with the policeman and the small society with the family. I wanted the mother to embody society in the broad sense and the father the sphere of the family,” the director, also an actor, explained to AFP.

The Queer Palm jury this year was chaired by Belgian filmmaker Lukas Dhont (Close, Girl), which was to decide between 18 feature films in all sections combined.

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