Cannes 2022, opening ceremony: the room resumes Johnny, Forest Withaker receives a Palme, crowd of VIPs!

After two years of restrictions, the Covid-19 has finally made room for the Cannes Film Festival. This 75th edition was highly anticipated. And as much to say that it should live up to the expectations of the most movie buffs if we rely on the opening ceremony broadcast on France 2 this Tuesday, May 17. Virginie Efira created a surprise by dodging the red carpet up the stairs to appear divine in a sparkling dress once on the stage of the Palais des Festivals in Cannes. If the actress, without her companion Niels Schneider, provided the show, she was not the only one to make this ceremony an unforgettable meeting.

Even before the Cannes Film Festival began, it was announced that Forest Whitaker, a monument of American cinema, would be honored by receiving a Palme d’or for his entire immense career. A reward that greatly moved the hero of Bird, The Last King of Scotland or The Butler : “I am deeply grateful to Vincent Lindon [président du jury, ndlr] who does me this great honour, as well as to the Cannes Film Festival, to Pierre Lescure and particularly to Thierry Frémaux. The festival shows us the many facets of our humanity. Therein lies the true power of cinema. (…) My job as an actor has made me more aware of the world.”

This world, the Cannes Film Festival has rightly highlighted it in its most total complexity since it also brought in the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. A duplex unveiled some time after an original and offbeat performance by Vincent Delerm. The 45-year-old singer sat down at the piano to perform Johnny Hallyday’s legendary title, That I love you. He didn’t stop at his own performance.

Before the first chorus, Vincent Delerm interrupted to encourage the assembly and all those present, spectators, jury, president and mistress of ceremonies, to sing with him. A feat successfully achieved since after a speech full of humor and a French translation for foreign visitors, everyone started singing. A performance to be included, no doubt, in the strongest moments of this 75th festival, whose opening red carpet welcomed a crowd of VIPs like Gérard Jugnot and his wife or former Miss France but not that !

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