The mayor of Béziers, Robert Ménard, requires from this Sunday on part of its inhabitants to proceed to the saliva sampling of their dog. This DNA can be used to punish owners who do not pick up their animal’s droppings.
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Canine DNA is now compulsory in part of the city center of Béziers, in the Hérault, in order to fight against uncollected dog droppings, announced the mayor of the city Robert Ménard on Sunday July 16 at France Bleu Hérault. The decree filed in this sense on May 12 in the sub-prefecture was not contested, at the end of the two regulatory months.
>> In Béziers, Robert Ménard wants to file dogs to fight against droppings
“The two-year experiment can therefore begin”, until July 2025, announces Sunday July 16 Robert Ménard to France Bleu Hérault. Each animal will now have to have a genetic passport. Owners who are unable to provide this document in the inner city will be liable to a fine of 38 euros. Worse, if they haven’t picked up their dog’s droppings, the bill will amount to 122 euros.
According to the mayor of the city, the municipality will propose to the inhabitants to come forward to proceed free of charge to the saliva sample of their animal. This sample can also be taken by a veterinarian. “I can’t take any more of all this shit”explains Robert Ménard. “We did a count. We pick up more than a thousand every month, just in the city center. We have to punish so that people behave well”.
In 2016, Robert Ménard already wanted to file the dogs to then verbalize the owners who do not pick up their animal’s droppings. At the time, the municipal decree had been attacked at the administrative court of Montpellier by the former sub-prefect Christian Pouget. The project was then scrapped.