candidates without a proposal will be able to “seize the rector” of the academies, “the last chance”, indicates the FAGE

Tuesday, July 18, 27,000 candidates are still waiting for an assignment proposal on the “My Master” platform.

“You can contact the rector of your academy to be offered wishes, it remains the last chance”, recalled this Tuesday on franceinfo Miryam Bercher, vice-president and in charge of academic affairs at the Federation of general student associations (FAGE). To date, 27,000 candidates are still waiting for an assignment proposal on the unique “My Master” platform, which offers students with a baccalaureate 3 the opportunity to apply for a master’s degree.

>> Personal data, repetitive procedures and communication problems… What results for the new “My Master” platform?

The absence of a proposal “is necessarily a concern” for students, admits Miryam Bercher. But she recalls that those who remain without a proposal after Friday will be able to seize the rectorate: “If you are eligible, if you have made at least five wishes in two different mentions and you have only obtained refusals at the end of the procedure, you can contact the rector of your academy to be offered wishes among the places that remain in other establishments, in other training courses to which we have not applied”she explained.

Fifteen wishes on average per student

145,000 candidates had at least one admission proposal on this platform launched this year for the first time. The students had made an average of fifteen unranked wishes. “At the FAGE level, we are not for the hierarchy. It is preferable that the students have the possibility of all of these choices until the end of the procedure and that they can choose according to what is offered to him”, she explained. Fifteen wishes, “it’s still a reasonable number”according to her.

“Time will tell if it was too much or not. But for the students, it is still a figure that is reassuring and that allows them to apply to several places and that’s the main thing”she explained.

A rather effective system despite “several hiccups”

Miryam Bercher draws a rather positive balance sheet even if she admits a certain “complexity” And “several technical hiccups”. As many training courses have not been filled up, universities are organizing an additional phase independently, outside the platform.

Moreover, “everything is not done exactly the same way, especially on the principle of the single file”she regretted. “Not all establishments asked for the same documents and some asked students for more, which created confusion” she explained.

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