candidates who claim their heritage “at the antipodes” of Gaullism, according to a historian

“There is a particular procession” political figures who pay tribute to General de Gaulle on Tuesday, November 9 on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of his death, said historian Pierre Manenti on franceinfo. He deplores “that some of them are by their projects, their people and their words the antipodes of what General de Gaulle was and Gaullism”.

He denounces a “recovery” by candidates “who are not respectful of General de Gaulle’s project, of his word, even who in past times made comments that were sometimes unpleasant, even insulting, and which we see today coming to his bedside at Colombey-les-Deux-Églises. “

franceinfo: Many political figures are paying homage to the General today. Isn’t this parade primarily linked to the presidential election?

Pierre Manenti: Indeed, there are commemorations every year. They were special last year since it was a double anniversary, that of the birth of General de Gaulle in 1890, then that of his death in 1970. But there is a particular procession and many because of this presidential election and because of the desire of a certain number of candidates to appropriate this heritage of General de Gaulle, while some of them, are sometimes by their projects, their people, their words, at the antipodes of what was General de Gaulle and Gaullism.

What is the interest for politicians in claiming to be General de Gaulle?

General de Gaulle is first and foremost the witness of an era, that of resistance, of war. And then, it is also the witness of an era of success, of prosperity with the Thirty Glorious Years. The reminder of this historical figure that is General de Gaulle in the public debate, brings a form of assurance, a form of calm, of happiness. We echoed this period of success to tell the French that we could come back to it. That there could be a new golden age for France. It is a bit of nostalgia that seizes the political class by this appeal to General de Gaulle.

51 years after the general’s death, isn’t Gaullism outdated?

No, moreover the fact that we come back to it today in 2021, it shows a very strong expectation of the French. When we look at the polls on the favorite personalities of the French, the General is ranked far ahead of Napoleon or Louis XIV, because he is both a political figure to whom we want to be attached, but he is also a figure entry into history. When we talk about General de Gaulle, we are not only talking about his political mandates at the Liberation and from 1958 to 1969. We are also talking about the historic giant who resisted and who carried this courageous word from London and who rebuilt the country twice.

To refer to de Gaulle, is it to fill a certain void?

Yes, it’s true.

“The fact that we continue, more than fifty years after his death, to talk about General de Gaulle shows that no other political figure has been able to fill this space.”

Pierre Manenti, historian

to franceinfo

But because, I repeat, General de Gaulle, in addition to being a political figure, was a historical figure. He had a personal human depth because of his commitment during the Second World War, which no one was able to replace in due time in his successors. I am angry when I see the recovery attempted by a certain number of people who are not respectful of General de Gaulle’s project, who are not respectful of his word, even who have had towards him in past times, Sometimes unpleasant, even insulting remarks, and which we see today coming to Colombey-les-Deux-Églises to claim and finally try to capture this national heritage for their political benefit.

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