candidates forced to “put on a tampon” for the evening, an ex-Miss Libra

This Saturday, December 16, 2023, a young woman will succeed Indira Ampiot. Indeed, the 94th edition of the Miss France competition will be held at the Zénith in Dijon and Geneviève de Fontenay will be honored during the evening. The Lady in the Hat, who represented the competition for almost 30 years, passed away on August 1st. It was therefore normal for the committee, and TF1

, to pay tribute to him for this new edition. In fact, for the first time, a jury composed entirely of women will decide which young woman will become Miss France 2024.

And among the candidates in the running, all should wear a tampon during the evening. In any case, this is what an ex-suitor revealed a few hours ago via her TikTok account. It is Julie CretinMiss Franche-Comté 2021. She revealed: “On prime night, we are all asked to put on a tampon”. But why are they asked when some candidates are not yet in their menstrual cycle? Quite simply because periods, due to stress, can arrive at any time.

See also: Miss France: Alexia Laroche-Joubert is already leaving the ship

Buffer, hair,… a former Miss France candidate weighs in on the competition

“Because our body is so stressed that it can trigger periods”affirms Julie Cretin before continuing: “We were asked for a stamp for greater security, afterwards, they didn’t come to check either”. Enough to make many women come off their hinges in the comments of the ex-beauty queen’s publication.

Miss Franche-Comté 2021 does not stop there and specifies that hair is also an element that does not go well with Miss France. None should appear on the screen because “female hair would apparently be antithetical to the concept of “beauty” defended by the organizers…” Viewers will undoubtedly observe the candidates in the running with a very different eye this Saturday evening.


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