“Candidates face the reality of police officers”, the Alliance union organizes a debate on security

“The candidates face the reality of the cops” : this is how the Alliance union presents the great oral which it organizes on Wednesday February 2 at the cinema of the Club de l’Etoile, in Paris, and for which it invites the candidates for the presidential election to present their security policy in particular. Valérie Pécresse, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour said yes, as did the Minister of the Interior. Gérald Darmanin will represent La République en Marche, without a declared candidate to date.

On the left, on the other hand, no one accepted the invitation of Fabien Vanhemelryck, the secretary general of Alliance. “We invited a lot of left-wing elected officials, including Ms. Hidalgo, Mr. Roussel, Ms. Taubira, Mr. Jadot and all, and we can only regret it today, declined the invitation, explains the latter. They had the opportunity to be able to express their vision, talk about their security policy. They wanted to decline our offer and so we find ourselves with other political parties. But no elected left, unfortunately.”

“I have the impression that elected representatives on the left do not have security, the police, the security of fellow citizens as a priority, which is a shame because they could express themselves in complete neutrality, with an objective vision. “

Fabien Vanhemelryck

at franceinfo

Jean-Luc Mélenchon was not invited, due to “his anti-cop hatred”put forward by the union. “How to invite a politician who wants to dissolve the BAC or who criticizes the methods of the police today?, wonders Fabien Vanhemelryck. Mr. Mélenchon practices anti-cop hatred, the ‘police bashing and responds to hate and disinformation all the time. (…) The problem is that with such a politician, there is no debate: he spends his time stirring up anti-cop hatred, which is dangerous for my colleagues in the field . Why make sure to continue to discuss with such an individual?

Presidential: the Alliance union organizes a debate on security. The report by David Di Giacomo

to listen

The film North ferry will also be screened in the early morning, for the police officers present. Then, the candidates will each take their turn in front of the 150 police officers expected in this Parisian cinema. They will then have 45 minutes to explain their program in terms of security and to answer questions from civil servants, on topics such as pensions, the criminal response, the maintenance of order or even, for example, purchasing power. The union specifies that the candidates will not meet, the debate will not take place between them, but with the police officers.

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