“Candidate Macron is turning his back on ‘happy days'”, quips Fabien Roussel

“Candidate Macron is turning his back on the ‘happy days’ to which he himself called at times”reacted Thursday March 10 on franceinfo Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF, candidate for the presidential election, while the president-candidate Emmanuel Macron proposes to push back the retirement age to 65 years.

Fabien Roussel wants to remember that in 1945, “in the aftermath of the war, in a France in ruins, the happy days made it possible to build our social model, our Social Security which guaranteed a pension for all”. The communist believes that “in the great difficulties that France and Europe are going through, we should have the same ambition”. According to him, “Allowing those who have had a life at work to leave at 60 means allowing young people to be able to access work in turn, and it is guaranteeing those who are broken by a life at work to be able to benefit finally happy days”. The national secretary of the PCF sees “social progress”and affirms that the Head of State “forgot what it was”.

Fabien Roussel also wants to be the one who “embodies the values ​​of the left” in this presidential campaign. “The common pleasure that we all dream of having, whether it is allowed by love, leisure time, life together, equality in same-sex couples or not, these are ideas, values strong that the left must defend, must take back.” “This is what I want to fully embody in this presidential election”adds the presidential candidate.

One month before the first round of the election, Fabien Roussel pleads for “a substantive debate on all the subjects that concern us”. While Emmanuel Macron “promises retirement at 65”the communist candidate opposes other questions. “What measures are going to be put in place for the 12 million people with disabilities? Will wages increase for all the workers who are struggling today to make ends meet while they work? Is we are going to increase pensions?” Fabien Roussel insists that “the issue of purchasing power and the equality of citizens is central today. And we must provide concrete answers to our fellow citizens”.

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