candidate Éric Ciotti “dreams of a union of right-wing voters behind” his party

More than a union of the rights, the presidential candidate of the Les Républicains party Éric Ciotti “dream of a union of right-wing voters behind LR”. Guest of franceinfo Tuesday, November 8, the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes defends “a line of independence from power, from the National Rally” but also of Éric Zemmour, whom he had said “prefer” to Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign. “It would be allying with people who want us gone.”

>> Éric Ciotti, Aurélien Pradié, Bruno Retailleau: we present to you the three candidates for the presidency of LR

Asked about the alliances that have recently brought the right and the far right to power in Sweden, Italy or even Israel, Éric Ciotti believes that “LR must first fully become right-wing again and bring back the voters who left it, whether it is to Marine Le Pen or to Emmanuel Macron..”

“We are the only ones to offer an alternative between the Macronian failure and the Mélenchon-Le Pen debate.”

Éric Ciotti, LR deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes

at franceinfo

Only LR can avoid the sad prospect of Mr. Mélenchon facing Madame Le Pen in 2027, he defends. It is this third way that I want to propose to the French at the head of the Republicans.

To attract these voters who have left for other political formations, Éric Ciotti wishes “a clear positioning. No ambiguity, no lukewarm water, things have to be said. Speak without taboos about the loss of authority. We must restore republican order, fight migratory chaos, give freedom to those who work, install a gap between work and welfare, and defend our identity”. To Xavier Bertrand who does not want an identity right, he replies that being an identity “It simply means loving France, its history and that tomorrow no one comes to impose on us a culture that does not conform to the one we have inherited”.

The election of the President of the Republicans will take place on the weekend of December 3 and 10. Aurélien Pradié, Éric Ciotti and Bruno Retailleau are candidates. For the first round, they will be auditioned on November 26, before a vote by activists on December 3 and 4.

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