Candidacy of Christiane Taubira, sponsorships of Éric Zemmour, Jean-Michel Blanquer… Sandrine Rousseau’s “8h30 franceinfo”

Sandrine Rousseau, president of Yannick Jadot’s political council, specializing in questions of precariousness and discrimination, finalist in the environmental primary, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday January 16, 2022. Candidacy of Christiane Taubira, words and sponsorships of Éric Zemmour, action of Jean-Michel Blanquer… She answers questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Jean-Jérôme Bertolus.

Candidacy of Christiane Taubira: “We are dispersing”

“It’s one more candidacy on the left, and I think we didn’t need it”, reacts Sandrine Rousseau, while Christiane Taubira formalized her candidacy for the presidential election, on the set of the 8 p.m. news from France 2, Saturday January 15.

“She is a woman whose fights I respect enormously, and I would very much like her to join the dynamic of Yannick Jadot”, adds the finalist of the environmental primary. “We have a major challenge facing us, which is to radically change our way of consuming, of producing, to avoid disruption at the height at which it is planned. There, we are dispersing”, deplores Sandrine Rousseau.

If Zemmour does not obtain the 500 sponsorships, “it would not matter for democracy”

“No, it wouldn’t matter for democracy” if Éric Zemmour did not obtain his 500 sponsorships from elected officials to run for the presidential election, believes Sandrine Rousseau, pointing out in particular the ideas “extreme” and “fascists” of the “Reconquest!” candidate. The finalist of the environmentalist primary describes the polemicist as “a candidate sentenced for remarks inciting racism, and that several women describe as a sexual aggressor”.

“I don’t believe for a second that he won’t have his 500 referrals”, however explains Sandrine Rousseau. “I think the Republicans are going to give it to him, and that’s a problem. We find ourselves in the same situation as in the United States with Trump, where the Republican party supported the arrival of the far right in power In France, the extreme right is not only advancing, but is being helped and supported by other political forces.”

“More than ever”, Jean-Michel Blanquer must resign

Sandrine Rousseau asks “more than ever” the resignation of the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, whom she accuses “completely incompetent” in its management of the health crisis at school. “Jean-Michel Blanquer prefers to go to a symposium on deconstruction and wokism, at a time when the school is in a major crisis, it is unacceptable”, she accuses. “It is unworthy of a Minister of National Education.”

“We have been in crisis for two years”, retorts Sandrine Rousseau to the announcements of 8,000 recruitments and five million FFP2 masks for teachers this Thursday, January 13. “Each time, we are in an emergency measure, which we take at the last minute, the day before the start of the school year, and we do not allow the school to function properly.”

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Sunday January 16, 2022:

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