Candice Pascal, her transformed face: these old photos of her very telling

“Too afraid of the irreversible side”

A metamorphosis that has greatly shocked Internet users, who have come to wonder if she had not had recourse to cosmetic surgery. A rumor to which the 35-year-old artist had quickly put an end in the columns of Tele-Leisure. “When I did Dance with the stars, there are seasons when I let myself go completely. I was 4-5 kg ​​heavier (…) People were crying foul, ‘you have completely redone your face!’, ‘your lips !’. As I take a lot of the cheeks, when I lost these five kilos, my face changed shape“, she justified herself, before explaining that the fact that she now draws her lips with makeup also gives the impression that they are fuller.

The ex-girlfriend of Clément Chantôme has also changed her hair color. “I I became blonde so it changes a face. Before, I was brown and it hardens the features“, she declared, assuring that she did nothing to her face because she “too afraid of the irreversible side“. She also added that the only thing she changed in her appearance was her teeth. A way to give proof of her good faith. “Please note, I do not have the veneers. I put a lingual appliance inside. I had rings top and bottom to line them up“, she had all the same wished to clarify. Here is enough to silence the rumors!

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