Cancer of blood and lymphoid tissue

What is it about ?


Blood is made up of cells in particular: white blood cells, the Red cells and the platelets. All of these cells are made from ‘basic’ cells (stem cells) found in the bone marrow. Stem cells are immature cells, which can develop into several types of cells.

Lymphoid tissue

The lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell. They are made in the bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes, and are found in the blood.

Lymphocytes are part of lymphoid tissue. This tissue protects the body against germs. It is therefore an element of the body defense system (immune system). The blood carries lymphocytes to the site of infection.

Cancer of blood and lymphoid tissue

There are many different forms of cancer of the blood and lymphocytes:

Evolution and treatment

Some of these cancers grow very slowly and do not cause any symptoms. This is why it is not always necessary to undergo treatment during the first years.

Others, on the other hand, need urgent attention. Depending on the disease and its stage, the doctor will provide you with more information and offer you support.

How to recognize it?

It is strongly recommended to consult the general practitioner in the following cases:

  • You are susceptible to infections ;
  • You easily get a fever without an obvious cause;
  • You often have swollen glands;
  • You bleed easily and you quickly have blues.

How is the diagnosis made?

  • The doctor begins by performing a physical examination thorough;
  • Next, he takes a blood test to have it analyzed under a microscope;
  • a bone marrow exam is usually also carried out after a spinal cord puncture ;
  • In the case of lymphoma, the doctor will analyze the ganglion achieved.
Imaging exams

a CT scan or MRI is required for certain tumors. Imaging allows the doctor to estimate their severity and the chances of recovery. The size of the tumor determines the treatment needed.

What can your doctor do?

Severe bleeding, infection or thrombosis can be life threatening. In this case, the doctor must intervene immediately.

Specialist orientation

Depending on your symptoms and their severity, the doctor will refer you urgently or less urgently to thehospital and / or to a doctor specializing in blood diseases (hematologist).


Treatment depends on the type of tumor:

  • Chemotherapy;
  • Radiotherapy (rays);
  • Administration of specific antibodies;
  • Stem cell transplant.

Want to know more?


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: general principles’ (2004), updated on 04/25/2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 01/08/2020 – ebpnet