Cancer: in New York, the promising success of a clinical trial on immunotherapy


France 3

Article written by

S.Guillaumin, Y.Junqua, M.Hauville, F.Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

Unprecedented success has occurred in the treatment of rectal cancer. All of the patients in a clinical trial carried out in a hospital in New York, in the United States, are in remission thanks to immunotherapy. The results are unexpected.

A hospital in New York (United States) conducted a clinical trial on 12 patients with a specific form of rectal cancer, known as “MSI”. The results are spectacular. We have never seen such a series of memory results in the history of oncology. All patients who received the treatment were cured, i.e. the tumor completely disappeared“, rejoices Dr. Andrea Cercekoncologist.

The treatment in question is immunotherapy. When we have a tumour, it prevents our lymphocytes from working. They are the ones that are normally responsible for attacking cancer cells. The immunotherapies that are given to patients today are effective because, by striking against these molecules that put the lymphocytes to sleep, they prevent their action and they awaken the patient’s immunity against his tumor.explains Alex Duval, director of the MSI Cancers laboratory at the Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris.

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