cancellation of fireworks in the Vosges, including that of Gérardmer

The Magic of the Lake“, pyrotechnic show was to bring together as usual tens of thousands of people around the lake of Gérardmer this Sunday, August 14.

In a press release this Thursday evening, the Vosges prefecture announces thecancelationin consultation with the mayor of Gérome Stessy Speissmann (…) Although fired above the lake, the risk is nevertheless real that the event will cause a fire to start“.

All fireworks canceled for fifteen days

This is not the only show affected by the prefectural decree but it is good ‘the use of fireworks throughout the Vosges department which is prohibited for a period of fifteen days“. The authorities say they are aware of the consequences but recall that the department in a situation of “Crisis“drought, the highest alert, is going through a difficult summer, very hot, lacking water.

Already many unusual fires in the Vosges

Fire outbreaks are on the rise“, notes the prefecture, one hundred firefighters mobilized since Wednesday in Mortagne and Brouvelieures, nearly 50 hectares of forest burned. “On Tuesday August 9 in Gérardmer, a spark caused by an excavator hitting a stone was enough to cause a brush fire that the firefighters could not stop until after it had traveled 4,000 m2 in a residential area. .

The fires are numerous among our neighbors as well , we can still read in the press release, preventing the possible support of firefighters from other departments.

The prefect still decides to prohibit the marketing of firecrackers and fireworks in the department over the same period.

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