Canadians still believe in love and exclusivity

Sixty percent of Canadians describe themselves as “romantic,” reveals a study conducted by UQAM with more than 3,000 respondents.

Researchers Chiara Piazzesi and Martin Blais mapped five typical romantic and sexual profiles, ranging from the most “romantic” (14.7%) to the most “modern” (18.5%), including “generally modern”, “cautiously modern” and “cautiously romantic” (the majority group, at 44.6%).

“Reasonably romantic people adhere lukewarmly to romantic ideas, while expressing a slightly negative view of more modern ideas (non-monogamy and sex without commitment),” we can read on the study website.

As for die-hard “romantic” people, “they invest themselves in exclusive sexual and intimate relationships and they are convinced that true love can overcome all obstacles.”

Unsurprisingly, more modern profiles (adhering to non-monogamy and no-commitment sex) are made up of significantly younger people as well as a greater proportion of LGBTQ+ people.

View the study results

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