Canadians are turning to odd jobs to better resist inflation

Canadians’ budgets are strained as the cost of living rises – and to adjust, some are choosing to add a side job to their schedule.

Whether it’s reselling used items or walking a dog, enlisting as a driver for delivery services or acting as a brand ambassador, there are plenty of ways to earn a little more money.

Erin Rappaport, a Montreal-based human resources generalist, pocketed extra dollars in a variety of ways.

Mme Rappaport has worked as a brand ambassador for various companies, offering free samples and providing product information at famous Montreal venues like the Bell Center.

She also uses resale platforms such as Poshmark and Facebook Marketplace to sell used shoes, clothes and furniture from around the house.

“I have weeks where I make four sales, and then sometimes I don’t make any, it really depends,” says Report.

New data from professional services firm Accenture has revealed that 41% of Canadians plan to take up a side hustle like babysitting, walking dogs and selling items online to earn extra income before celebrations.

According to survey results from 1,510 Canadians who purchased an item for personal use in the past six months, nearly four in ten respondents, or 39%, said they would be willing to work additional to earn a little more money.

Whether saving money for the long term or the short term, the first thing to do is to state the pressure point of a budget, says Anne Arbour, spokesperson for the Credit Counseling Society.

Then you have to understand how much time you have for any secondary employment and what strengths could be used to generate additional income, continues Arbour.

However, there are other factors to consider when looking for additional income. For example, you have to declare income, claim deductions and ensure that there is no conflict of interest with a main source of income.

“If the goal is to improve your financial situation, you have to check that the additional income does not lead to a higher tax bracket, so that you can inadvertently harm yourself more than you help,” says Arbour.

Delivery, a popular job

Having a secondary source of income grew in popularity when many people had more free time during the COVID-19 lockdowns. And for those laid off during the pandemic, side jobs have become a full-time reality.

Among the jobs that became particularly popular during the pandemic was working as a driver for ride-sharing companies or food delivery services.

In 2017, Jennifer Scott started working full-time as a bike courier, delivering food for a number of delivery apps in Toronto. She has some advice today and recommends caution for those considering joining this industry.

Often having to navigate traffic and face difficult weather conditions, Mme Scott says she injured her knee and had to make the delivery on foot.

“It constantly reminds me that if I get hurt on the job when I’m making deliveries in these conditions, I don’t have anyone; I have only myself to try to figure out how to handle this,” says Mme Scott.

Workers in the gig economy are considered private contractors, which means they are not entitled to job protections similar to those of other workers.

“There is no sick leave for these jobs, warns Mme Scott. There is no insurance, there is nothing. »

Mme Arbor recommends that when looking for an additional source of income, check with your insurer to see what needs to be covered.

But for some, like Mme Scott, extra job protections like private health care are a luxury.

“For people who have it, it’s great, but for most people who do this job, it’s not possible,” said Scott.

Whether it’s delivering food or working shifts as a brand ambassador, it’s worth remembering that when combined with a full-time job, those extra hours can lead to an exhaustion.

Although she admits that it is tiring to devote time to a small job in addition to having a full-time job, Rappaport claims that the extra money thus obtained is sufficient motivation for him.

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