Canadian musicians worried about US visa hike

A tour of the United States could become out of reach for many Canadian musicians, due to a possible increase in visa fees for international artists.

The US Department of Homeland Security has proposed a rate increase of more than 250%, according to the Canadian Federation of Musicians, which would bring the fee to more than US$1,600 from around US$460.

“Early and mid-career musicians feel that this increase would completely prevent them from performing in the United States, especially in the face of inflation and the rising cost of living nationwide,” said underlined the FCM in a press release.

Liana White, chief executive of FCM, explained that the US government’s proposed increase is partly because they haven’t raised the tariff since 2016.

“They say it will allow them to hire additional people who will help them overcome the backlog,” White, adding that inflation rates could also be a contributing factor.

“There has not been a 250% increase in inflation or the cost of living, which is very out of step with this norm. »

The FCM says touring the United States is beneficial for Canadian musicians because it’s a big market nearby.

“It’s unfortunate, but it’s a reality that Canadian musicians most often find their success in the United States,” the organization noted.

Rosalyn Dennett, Executive Director of Folk Music Ontario, said that with the rising cost of gas, housing, travel, food and lodging across the country, touring in Canada has become unsustainable.

“Canada is a big country and our markets are far apart,” she noted.

“As a musician, if you go from concert to concert across the country, or even in some of our provinces, you drive for an entire day before going to the next available market to play. »

Montreal-based musician Marlaena Moore says she’s still in debt after touring Canada last year.

“I love touring, but the cost of everything is really starting to weigh in,” she said.

The Department of Homeland Security will accept comments on the proposal until March 6, which Dennett, is an opportunity for Americans to defend their Canadian counterparts.

“One of the best things we can do is engage our American colleagues, friends and families,” she said.

“We are resolutely continuing our lobbying initiatives and attacking this situation from every angle we can think of. »

This dispatch was produced with financial assistance from the Meta Exchange and The Canadian Press for News.

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