Canadian media advocates accuse Google of disrespect

Print and digital media advocates say Google is disrespecting Canadian readers by temporarily blocking news to some of its users.

The president of News Media Canada, Paul Deegan, considers that this gesture is unworthy of the American multinational.

Google confirmed on Wednesday that it was blocking nearly 4% of Canadian users from viewing news content, to test its potential response to the Liberal government’s online news bill for five weeks.

Bill C-18 would force digital giants like Google and Meta, owner of Facebook, to negotiate agreements to compensate Canadian media companies for the republication of their content on their platforms, or for offering links drive.

The organization Les AMIS, formerly known as Tous amis de Radio-Canada, says Google’s decision is above all a matter of greed.

Its director, Marla Boltman, said Google was driven by greed at all costs, rather than wanting to work with lawmakers around the world to uphold and support press freedom and democracy.

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