Canadian Grand Prix | The Concorde Bridge briefly blocked by climate activists

Climate activists blocked the Concorde bridge leading to the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit, where the Grand Prix takes place on Sunday Canadian Formula 1 Prize.

According to our information, a handful of demonstrators briefly interrupted traffic on the bridge linking the island of Montreal to the island of Saint-Hélène, around 10:30 a.m.

The group sat in the middle of the roadway, blocking the way for cars.

The demonstration, claimed by Last Generation Canada, aimed to denounce the government’s inaction in the face of the climate emergency.

“We cannot continue life as usual when our country is burning,” said a spokesperson for the organization, Laura Sullivan.

According to her, five demonstrators were arrested during the event, which ended after around thirty minutes.

“We are a non-violent civil resistance organization,” she said.

The Montreal City Police Service (SPVM) confirmed that traffic had resumed on the road bridge.

The results of the event will be communicated later in the day, indicated the spokesperson for the police force, Caroline Chèvrefils.

In February, demonstrators from the same organization sprayed paint on the office of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

Among its demands, the group calls for the creation of a federal wildfire agency.

“We can no longer trust our criminal government to take the necessary measures to save us, given that they have let decades pass without acting on this crisis,” we can read on his site.

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