Canadian gold medalist in the 4×100 m

The Canadian 4×100 relay got me the gold medal on Saturday at the World Championships in Athletics.

The quartet of Aaron Brown, Jerome Blake, Brendon Rodney and Andre De Grasse came from behind to top the finish line in first place.

The Canadians finished with a time of 37.48 seconds. The United States and the United Kingdom followed.

Canada will enter the final day of the World Championships in Athletics with a total of three medals.

De Grasse, who was unable to race the 200 meters after contracting COVID-19 in the past month, was Canada’s last runner.

The Canadian quartet won silver at the Tokyo Olympics last summer.

Marco Arop in bronze

Canadian Marco Arop made it to the podium in a World Championships event for the first time with a bronze medal in the 800 metres.

The Edmontonian finished with a time of one minute and 44.28 seconds.

Kenyan Emmanuel Korir triumphed with a time of 1:43.71. The Algerian Djamel Sedjati completed the podium.

Arop, 23, is only the second Canadian man to medal in this event at the World Championships in Athletics. Gary Reed won the silver in 2007 in Osaka, Japan.

Arop set the third fastest time in the world this season three weeks ago while competing to prepare for the World Championships in Athletics.

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